hippity hoppity




Every year, I seem to enjoy Easter more and more. It’s certainly something joyful and bright to look forward to after a long winter. I’ve also started some of my own spring traditions, such as assembling little bundles of Easter goodies to send to my friends.

Easter candies and sweets are so cute…It’s fun to assemble a little assortment and imagine my friends’ surprise. I love sending little parcels in the mail. Last year I made fabric baskets from this pattern–one of my all-time favorites. I also made some scrappy little bunnies for my niece and nephew. I didn’t have a pattern, just sort of made it up as I went along, so they are a bit wonky…

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So far this year, I’ve made some little treat bags from this cute pattern. I also adapted it slightly, (adding a lining and a different bunny design). They are really quick to sew, so I think I can make plenty before Easter.  I have some ideas for other Easter crafts that I hope to try soon. In the meantime, Happy Spring!



for the love of roses

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March has been a difficult month for me, as I’ve been sick for most of it. But little by little, I’ve been feeling better and have gotten back to my old routines. After this very long winter, I am really looking forward to spring, and am anxious to get started on Easter sewing projects, spring cleaning, and new goals.

My mom recently had a birthday. I was sad I couldn’t do more to prepare, but I did make a few things for the rose theme she chose for her party.


As it was a milestone birthday for my mom, my brother and I were able to carry on a little tradition of giving our mom her age in roses. It really makes the house smell heavenly!


I made this paper-pieced rose mini-quilt as a gift. I don’t know why I attempted paper-piecing for the first time when I wasn’t feeling well… I was happy to have finished it, but I definitely need more practice. The pattern was very clear and helpful, though. It came from this etsy shop.



A little rose banner to decorate the gift table.



I found myself staying up late to make paper flowers and rosettes to decorate the photo collage. It was a soothing little project.

That’s all for now. Hope to be back soon with more signs of spring!