a fresh start


It’s that time again. Back to School. For much of my life the end of August/ beginning of September was such an emotionally intense time — a mix of dread, worry, excitement, and rededication. As scary as a new school year (or new school) was, there was also the promise of new books, new teachers, new classmates. A chance to feel like a new person.

Of course, we can all benefit from a clean slate every now and again.  And even though I’m through with school, I still associate this time with beginning a new year, perhaps even more so than January. When Back to School rolls around, some deep-seated feelings emerge that I really ought to be in class.  My response is just to refocus my goals and organize my life for another year. I guess I need to remind myself to keep learning.

Now, I’ve always had a love of school supplies and stationery, and I still get a thrill walking down an aisle of pristine notebooks, rulers, and pens. And don’t get me started on Japanese stationery stores – my idea of heaven! So needless to say, I have plenty of school supplies tucked away to help me get started on my projects and goals for the year.

Still, I felt like making a new patchwork something, and I settled on a quilted book-cover, since my goals always involve a lot of reading. I couldn’t really find a pattern that exactly matched what I was looking for so, I modified one from this book. Basically I just added patchwork and quilting elements to the original pattern. Now having a cozy book cover makes snuggling up to a good book even better.

Here’s to a good year! Time to get to work.

kitty stationery

Getting ready for new things!

pencil bouquet

A bouquet of newly-sharpened pencils would be one way to my heart.

quilted bookcover

book cover open1